Posts Tagged Miami
February 8, 2013 by jfalbelda
My Motorcycle Obsession Travels Stateside
If you’ve been reading this site for the past few months, you’ve seen I was just in Asia and doing a lot of exploring on tiny motorcycles. It was the cheapest, most liberating way to get around, and I had a blast doing it – until I shit the bed and crashed in Pai, Thailand. It [...]
January 24, 2013 by jfalbelda
The Benefits of Having a Home Base as a Travel Blogger
The older I get, and the more I travel, the more I appreciate having somewhere I can always come back to (that’s not my parent’s apt). While the “liberating” feeling of only owning a laptop, small suit case and some shit clothes from Target is cool for a while, but, it starts to get old [...]
December 20, 2012 by jfalbelda