Posts Tagged Asia
December 28, 2012 by jfalbelda
The Only Thing Permanent in My Life – Tattoos!
I like tattoos. Always have. So much in fact that I didn’t even wait one day after my 18th birthday to hop on a train with my friend Jooce (yup, we actually call him that) from Philly to NYC to get one. Well, we really went up there to get Fake I.D’s which we accomplished [...]
October 25, 2012 by jfalbelda
Relaxin’ to the Maximum in Pai, Thailand
After deciding Bangkok was too nutso for me, I headed to the north of Thailand to explore the region, and my first stop was Chiang Mai. While it’s the 2nd largest city in Thailand, it is shockingly more calm, easy to get around and just exudes a way different vibe than bustling Bangkok. And when [...]
October 7, 2012 by jfalbelda
Cock Fighting in The Philippines
The ash from my cigarette fell between my legs as I wiped the beading sweat from my brow. I thought to myself, “it must be 110 degrees in here” as I sipped my warming beer for a little relief from the blanketing humidity. I looked out around the cockpit at the local Filipinos chit chatting with [...]
July 12, 2012 by jfalbelda